Thursday, July 30, 2015

From Scars to Stars

I had chicken pox two weeks ago. The first week was really stressful. Every day was a challenge. Every night when you sleep, it's not the same as before. Every morning, you wake up with another pox/es on face or chests or on any parts of the body. As for me, most of it grew on my face. Thus, when I look in the mirror, I see a different me. Good thing I took Cetirizine for the itchiness and it was effective.

I struggled a lot on my first week. No one is going near me. I am isolated in my room. Loneliness, self-pity and stress were trying to succumb me. I was on the verge on giving in. But to my surprise, I wasn't. And I will never be. I carry on for the the rest of the first week; my face was different and explainably gross, I got poxes also inside my mouth: on my tonsils and gums. It added to my burden. I can't eat well; It hurts to chew and to swallow. Good thing some of my medicines are in syrup already. On the sixth day, the right side of my face got swollen. My paracetamol wasn't effective anymore. It was changed to Mefenamic acid.

After that week, the poxes started to pop one by one at a time. I spent another week to wait for the popping of my poxes and for the healing of the popped ones. Then scabbing happen. They say I was more contagious at this stage. But I feel much better now. The scabs on my face started to peel off on the ninth day. 

Scabs went off now. I can see my face a little bit better. Since most of the poxes grew on my face, it has put a toll there. It makes me sad that I have scars on my face already. And it is visible at one look. I am lifting myself now. Elevating the feeling of being low. When I look at the mirror, I still smile. Though my face is "not so okay". there's still the radiance inside me. I can feel there's a positive feeling from within. It tells me that everything will be okay. My face will be back to its formal health. Currently, I am using Contractubex to heal my facial scars. Good thing I didn't do a scar on my mentality. What's inside me is still me. Strong. Positive. Favored by Gods as I say.

I remember back in college I had a dorm mate who told me that she had beautiful skin because she prayed it to the Lord. Imagine that, the state of her skin is prayed to the Lord. I can do that too!

I have a friend who told me that my state right now is an advantage for a job interview. She told me that the chicken pox is a blessing. I recall that our God has purpose in everything that is happening to us. Every pain, setback is a blessing. It makes you prepared for the future.

Another friend told me to turn my scars into stars. We must live in positivity and look always at the bright side of things. In the near future, the scars will be just a memory of my braveness during the days of trial. My scars will fly to the night sky as stars as an epitome of courage, positivity and grace.

Thank You Lord God for giving me this trial. You know how hard it is for me. And I wont give up on it. I will do my very best to remove or lessen the visibility of my scars, I'm sorry for being stubborn. I guess I was just missing something at home. You are my Divine God. You have always been there for me from womb till now, from setbacks to rejoices. I will remain positive in You with all my heart. Starting now, I will not dwell in lowness but I will claim in Your name that every wound in my body will heal and every scar in my skin will be removed. I promise You, my God, I will held up my head till the scars go away. I love You, Lord. Thank you for the grace of healing and strength of mind and body. Amen. :)

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