Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Workplace Racial Discrimination: Solution

            All of the people in this world are equal on rights. Physical attributes may vary through ethnic groups but all must be treated the same. Some people tend to overlook equality on people in this world. Those people are prejudice of other people or other culture. Racism is a form of prejudice based on perceived physical differences and usually refers to unfavourable or hostile attitudes toward people perceived to belong to another race.
            In a school context, specifically on working together as an organization, some school heads or teachers are prejudice to their co-workers because of their race. For instance, principals and some teachers do not trust other teachers because they are from an indigenous tribe. Knowing that these teachers came from a tribe, superiors and workmates may doubt their expertise and tend to not give them high responsibilities. In this case, there is no gradual unity in the organization and the manpower is compromised. Moreover, employee relationships are unnatural and it is unhealthy for the institution.

1. Eradicate Racism
            Racism should be eliminated to meet the full potential of the school employees. Prejudices can ruin an organization. Thus, eradicating it is the main way to promote peace and equality.
2. Promote Equality
            Equality among people leads to discernment of everyone’s worth as a human. Having equality in an organization reflects a healthy environment to work in. hence, productivity will follow.

3. Stimulate Unity
            Unity leads to a productive workplace. When the workplace is good and accommodating, there will be more effectiveness and efficiency in the organization’s obligations. Thus, results to meeting the desired goal.

1. Seminars
            Seminars can help in reinforcing unity and understanding to the employees. I this way they are reminded to the humane in their ways. This stimulates their affective domain to another level. 
2. Recollection
            Recollections should be held once a year in order to recall morals to the teachers. These will remind them that all humans are created equal and were made through the image and likeness of the Lord.
3. Group Work
            Teachers will be designated by their heads to work in groups. This may decrease job enlargement as they tend to cooperate and work as one. Unity and camaraderie is also enhanced simultaneously.

Responsible persons
1. Principal
            As the head, he/she should spearhead this program as part of the professional growth of his/her teachers.
2. Guidance Counsellor
            The guidance counsellor will help in planning the program for the teachers.
3. Teachers
            The teachers will also be helping and undergoing the program.


            The budget will be taken from the registration fees of the teachers. The registration fee will cover the seminar and recollection events. It is also inclusive certificates of participation which is signed by the school heads.

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